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Dental Assistant Texas

A dental assistant in Texas CAN do the following under direct supervision of the supervising dentist:

– A dental assistant in Texas can provide support to a dentist under the supervision of a properly licensed dentist.

– There are x-ray licensing requirements in Texas for dental assistants. These are (from the Dental Assisting National Board website):

  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Be a Registered Dental Assistant (link below)
  • A dental assistant will not be considered to be positioning, exposing or otherwise making dental x-rays if the dental assistant only performs radio logical procedures in the course of training (or for other educational purposes) and is at all times under the direct supervision of the employer dentist. A dental assistant performing radiological procedures in the course of on-the-job training may only do so for a period of one year.

– Chart and inspect the mouth and teeth.

– Apply fluoride topically.

– Place a rubber dam.

– Take blood pressure, temperature and pulse.

– Give oral hygiene instructions.

A dental assistant in Texas CANNOT do the following:

– Remove stains and deposits from teeth (clean teeth).

– Place sealants on the teeth.

– Apply stainless steel crowns or fillings

– Repair or fill cavities.

– Give or administer anesthetics (shots).

– Any other activities or duties of dentistry that are specifically limited to dentists or dental hygenists.

Texas also offers a certificate to become a Registered Dental Assistant and Dental Assistant Qualified to Perform Expanded Functions. For more information on the requirements, visit the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners.

Relevant Links:

– Texas State Board of Dental Examiners

American Dental Assistants Association