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Dental Assistant Colorado

A dental assistant in Colorado CAN do the following under direct supervision of the supervising dentist:

– A dental assistant in Colorado can provide support to a dentist under the supervision of a properly licensed dentist.

– There are  x-ray licensing requirements in Colorado for dental assistants.  These include:

  • Be older than 18 years of age;
  • Complete minimum safety, education and training for operating machine sources of ionizing radiation and administering such radiation to patients. Approved education or training includes:
    • Completion of five hours of practical or clinical experience and three hours of lecture for a total of eight hours from a program accredited by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, the State Board of Community Colleges and Occupational Education, the Private Occupational School Division (or the equivalent in any other state), OR
    • Education and training may be provided on the job by a licensed dentist or dental hygienist, provided that the educational module used is approved by the Colorado Board of Dental Examiners, OR
    • Successful completion of the national DANB Radiation Health and Safety (RHS) exam or the national DANB Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) exam.

– Chart and inspect the mouth and teeth.

– Apply fluoride topically.

– Place a rubber dam.

– Take blood pressure, temperature and pulse.

– Give oral hygiene instructions.

A dental assistant in Colorado CANNOT do the following:

– Remove stains and deposits from teeth (clean teeth).

– Place sealants on the teeth.

– Apply stainless steel crowns or fillings

– Repair or fill cavities.

– Give or administer anesthetics (shots).

– Any other activities or duties of dentistry that are specifically limited to dentists or dental hygenists.

Relevant Links:

Colorado Board of Dental Examiners

American Dental Assistants Association